Triangle Customer Testimonials

The sales clerks are always helpful and knowledgeable.
Cheryl S.

I spend a lot of time at Triangle buying materials or getting tools repaired at the rental station. I have always had a wonderful experience. The staff is very knowledgeable and helpful. They remind me what is on sale or what is going to be on sale. The rental is also helpful and knowledgeable when repairing my tools They always get them returned to me as soon as possible. The men working in the lumber yard are also very knowledgeable and helpful. Everyone at Triangle always make me feel welcome. Keep up the great work.
John W.

I shop here regularly, the customer service very good and they have a lot of products for a small store.
Mike H.

Great product advice from the sales staff coveniently located in Bellefonte.
Nancy P.

I have been there multiple times and will continue to go there. Friendly staff that will help you out anyway they can and a good variety for the size of the store.
Will M.

Its an awesome place
Ezra P.

All way good people there to Waite on ya service is great for a small place an prices Don t break your wallet
David D.

Only once have I left there without what I needed (an obscure 1950s window sash part), whether it was a bit of knowledge or a thing. Some stuff is more expensive than big box but usually worth it: the paint and stains are the best. But some stuff is cheaper: the lumber. And it’s high quality. Love this place.
Carolyn S.

Highly recommend, whether it is for building supplies or for boards to break for a karate tournament they have it. They also have some of the most knowledgeable helpful staff that makes the big box stores look totally inexperienced by comparison. Keep up the good work, thanks for being a part of the Bellefonte community.
Rob G.

Staff always friendly and most helpful. Great source of info. Great hours and have product I need.
Dick S.

Great store and large rental selection
Zachary M.

Great service and friendly
Jeffrey W.

Why Choose Us


1 Year Labor Warranty Guarantee


1 Year Labor Manufacturer Guarantee on Materials


We Serve Others as We'd Like to be Served


We Meet or Exceed Expectations


We Do the Right Thing, and Do the Thing Right

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